Phonie story

February 14th, 2007


Today i’m going to return my new phone! My 2nd new phone that is.

Why did I buy it in the first place? I had a new one, hadn’t I?
ummmm, yeah right, i had. But that one had a simlock and is so new on the market that no one can unlock it. I asked around. i needed that to be able to call with it for I have a new provider from today. so the old sim did not work in this one.
This one being the HCT TyTN, a computer in pocketsize:
tytn.jpgIt can do anything besides calling when the right simcard is not inserted or jet working. This story is getting more and more incomprehensible, I know.

My old phone started to disintegrate after it fell in the water (rainwater) in Antigua. So before I would not be able to call or being called at all, I needed another. That sounds logical isn’t it?

so I was looking for a unlocked phone and found that cute pinky one. Worked fine too. But then it turned out that is did not had Bluetooth. so I could not change data with my laptop, which was necessary for my addresses and phone numbers. Did not work with the simcard strangely.

that’s when i called the shop where I bought this one and asked for a USB cable instead of the Bluetooth. He did not want to give me one because the margin on this phone was low already. But he would happily take it back and give me my money in return.

In the mean time I thought about another solution for my girlfriend Mariel just had a new phone. And her old cell phone was great as I remembered. So tomorrow she will bring that for me when she is visiting me to learn all about making websites and photo albums.

nokia6260.jpgAt the end I am much better off this way, getting my money back and having an even better phone.
A phone that works in Antigua for that was meant from the beginning. Cheaper phones have only dual band and not the required 1900. The Nokia 6260

Driver’s licence

February 13th, 2007

pasfotopaspooort.jpg Had to renew my driver’s licence. Photo’s for that specific occasion are mostly not the best but now they have all these new rules. You may not smile, ears and forehead must be clear… So this is what it looks like for the next 10 years I’m affraid.pasfotovrij.jpg

The photografer also provides another little photo, must be for comforting me….

Little sculpture

February 7th, 2007

Another test with foto.

Just when I came back from A, Neigbours asked me to go with them to an opening.

Fel in love at once with this little sculpture.


With picture as easy as that

February 5th, 2007

ANP2aren’t they terrible?

Nieuwe kabinet trekt 1,3 miljard uit voor koopkrachtUitgegeven: 5 februari 2007 18:19Laatst gewijzigd: 5 februari 2007 21:08DEN HAAG – CDA, PvdA en ChristenUnie willen de komende vier jaar 1,3 miljard euro uittrekken voor de verbetering van de koopkracht. Met dat geld worden onder meer de kinderbijslag, de huur- en de zorgtoeslag verhoogd. Dat blijkt uit het conceptregeerakkoord waarover de beoogde coalitiefracties zich maandag hebben gebogen. | Nieuwe kabinet trekt 1,3 miljard uit voor koopkracht


February 5th, 2007

A trial directly from my browser. Upload tekst and pics. As if I want to enlighten others with news…

Because I can.

‘Opwarming van de aarde niet enkel door mens’Uitgegeven: 1 februari 2007 20:06Laatst gewijzigd: 1 februari 2007 20:35AMSTERDAM – De opwarming van de aarde wordt niet enkel veroorzaakt door de mensheid. Dit verklaart emeritus hoogleraar sterrenkunde Kees de Jager tegenover Kennislink.Volgens De Jager wordt er in de huidige computermodellen over klimaatverandering te weinig rekening gehouden met de toegenomen activiteit van de zon. De verwarming van de aarde gaat volgens de hoogleraar hand in hand samen met steeds sterkere Coronal Mass Ejections (CME). | ‘Opwarming van de aarde niet enkel door mens’


February 4th, 2007

Deze week nog een onverwachte verlenging van mijn vakantie.

Graham was here from tue till thu.


Now end of hollidays is definite.

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