Honey, I’m home
April 22nd, 2008All right, all right, skip the ‘honey’ part in my case, but there is nothing like coming home after a hard days work (didn’t some guys from England sang a song about this?) and find your house impeccable. The cleaner was here today, how I love her.
Started today at half past seven for a change. Left the house and there was not even the tiniest trafic jam on my way to Utrecht. A miracle, must have earned that in a former life.
All went very well and on my way back home, left Utrecht at tree o’clock, again, no…. Someone must have had mercy with me. First working day and all.
And than singing again with a girlfriend this time. So much more fun singing together. Although we have to get rid of the shy part to eachother. Just sing it out loud girls!
Next weeks are going to be hectic. Work, when everybody is having vacation, sailing, friens coming over, friend staying from abroad, and did I mention work?
Should be fun altogether.