Still trying to loose waight

January 9th, 2008

The problem isn’t losing weight, it’s gaining weight.

From the website of John Walker (klik on diet and nutrition)
He has en engineering approach to the subject that pleasses me.

Suppose you want to take off 10 pounds over two months. Just work out the total calories you have to burn by multiplying the pounds you wish to lose by the calories in a pound of fat, 10 × 3500 = 35000, divide by the number of days in two months, 35000 / 60 ≈ 585, and then you know what to eat less every day. If you know what you burn every day (for me that’s about 2000 calories) you know what to do. It’s as simple as that.

Ok, the site doen’t look sophisticated at all and its all text but then again, its the content that counts. Its noting new too, but to me it’s worth wile reading it again.

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