Busy or not

September 19th, 2007

Today was a bit of an odd day. I promised to be in the former room of my grandmother to have it cleared out by the second hand shop people. No idea what that is called in English.

Anyways, the appointment was that they would come in the morning, anywhere between 9 and 12 o’clock. And what do you think? Right, 12 o’clock they arrived. In the mean time I had been reading yesterdays paper and Harry Potter. Not a bad way to spend a morning in a unfurnished and empty room. And gladly they came to pick up my grandmothers chair, amongst other furniture so I could sit rather comfy.

So half of my day was gone, is that busy or not.

And in the afternoon I had a drink with someone who just started with his own company. Bit like I do but financial. Easy these days to find work in that direction. I do like it when I’m asked for help and advise.

troonrede2007.jpgAnd in between, I really can not not mention this, I saw our very own queen in a sort of carpet or curtains speak to our parliament. I know, I should analyse our future at this point, but how can you listen to her when she is wearing this. And on her head, can you believe that. She is so brave to dare direct the people, wearing this. (foto ANP)

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