Cricket in Antigua started

March 29th, 2007

publiek.JPGTuesday we were at the start of the world cricket games, that is, the Antiguan part of it. Never thought I was going to like this game.
But I must admit, it is a very nice though incomprehensible game. Most of the time nothing much happens and then suddenly everybody is cheering and standing up. The second day was better because I understood more of the game.

There actually was a second day needed because it was raining all afternoon on Tuesday so the game stoped and we waited until they declared it a day at 4 am. I was glad I brought a book, just in case. Because, watching the rain falling down is not very exciting. Not even if you are with friends and having a good time all together.

Talking about a book, you must read this. ‘The curious indicent of the dog in the night time’. Mark Haddon wrote this very touching book.

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