Archive for August, 2008

‘Spoorloos verdwenen’ on TV

Thursday, August 28th, 2008

They informed me about the start of the new season. Every thirsday from of next week.

As far as I know I’m in the last episode. Well, not exactly I, but my kitchen and stairs. No idea when the last episode is broadcasted. Keep you posted as soon as I find out.

No idea what I’m talking about? I wrote about this earlier.


Thursday, August 28th, 2008

Last month I was in France with friends and a group of people taking courses in painting and acting. Not me though. I was just there, taking pics and having a good time.

Fitst part even with a friend of mine who lives in France. Heucourt happend to be in between my place and hers. So she came over for a few days and stayed longer then planned because she loved it there too. And due to my company of course…

If you want to be bored with all the 377 pictures just look at the website.


Sunday, August 24th, 2008

Just got a photo from Marleen, my jongest niece. She is good at it, you can tell.

And my sister in law is the one who made it. That’s what she is very good at.

Tall Ships

Sunday, August 24th, 2008

This weekend the Tall Ships were gathered in Den Helder.

Enjoyed myself. Took some pics.

Expand memory

Sunday, August 24th, 2008

Wanted to accelerate my MacBook Pro. First thing was the memory from 1 tot 2 GB. Makes everything work really faster. Second was the hard disk. The old one was 80 MB and had about 5 MB left. Not much anymore.

I decided to buy the best possible at this moment. Which turned out to be a 320 GB hard disk with some more good specs. And then the de decision; do I do this myself? I did and saved myself more than 100 euros. It was dead easy and almost as fast as the youtube movie ;-)

Even putting back the backup is nothing with a mac! Some clicks and some waiting… ready.

And all that after I had done a major technical job on board…. Wel, not that major but for me it seems like that. Moved the waterfilter to a place that can can be reached and handled more easily. Repaced waterhose and all that.

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