Archive for December, 2007

Bathroom 2

Sunday, December 2nd, 2007

Is it going to be a continuing story? Until now it is.

It ought to be a one week job. But after two weeks now the only result is that my bathtub is turned in the opposite direction, something I wanted. And that the screen that protected the bathroom of the shower, watering the whole room, is gone. So showering must be done very carefuly.
jeeo.jpgAnd there are already water pipes for the new shower.

It’s partly my own fault I suppose. The shower barge is to smal for this great shower I ordered. So it had to be changed. Luckily they can manage that but is takes time. And because the new bathtub is not ready before januari all the rest can be done at the same time. With some patience it will be exactly as I want it to be.

Colour dating?

Sunday, December 2nd, 2007

image003.jpgI missed a hype in dating I suppose. But thanks to my mother I can pick up on that.

It’s about a lamp with many colours and if you set it to a specific colour and one of your neighbours does the same you can be a couple eventually. Of course you must have the guts to ring their bell and hope that he or she is of the sexe you are into, and a nice person also.

Thanks mom…

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