Archive for November, 2007

Santa Claus

Saturday, November 24th, 2007

img_3505_400×300shkl.JPGThe fifth of December is childrens day. And way before that Santa Claus arrives in Holland over and over again. Today he arrived by boat in our harbour. And because of the fact that my good friend Theo organized it all, I made pictures of the happening for the website.

15 minutes before time there were hardly any children at all but amazingly, when the boat went through the open bridge with a very loud horn, there were loads of them. Don’t know where they came from but who cares.

It was really lovely to see how these children were nervous and stayed very close to there parents. It started all kinds of memories. I aspecially remember one time when all the children in school went outside when the good man arrived and I was very affraid and stayed, crying, in the arms of my teacher. But then, I was the youngest child in class.


Saturday, November 24th, 2007

douchebakBeneath my bathtub is a little bit of room. 70 centimeters at each side of the square is not much but just enough room for a shower.
Of course I did not want a common one. It had to be stainless steel becouse of the overall design. This is not an easy size and material so it had to be custom made.

bad.jpgThis week it is put in place. It fits perfectly and the shower is really a beauty as well.

And you know what? The bathtub is damaged in the whole proces so it needs to be replaced. Am I lucky or what? Gave me the opportunity to buy one with a whirlpoolsystem in it.
This image shows my new tub without that system.

Little queen

Thursday, November 22nd, 2007

koningin-marleen.jpgMy youngest cousin, tried the fur coat of my late grandmother. She neerly fits in it, doesn’t she?

And because it makes her look like a queen a castle is appropriate.


Friday, November 16th, 2007

My favorite song of the moment.

Rufus WainwrightGoing To A Town lyrics

Spoorloos Verdwenen

Monday, November 12th, 2007

img_3486.JPGYesterday I had a filmcrew in my house. How’s that for a change? I must say it is rather confusing experience.

They took a scene of a Dutch police series, ‘Spoorloos verdwenen’.

They worked for more than 12 hours for I think not even 10 minutes braodcasted. There were 2 actrices and at least 20 crewmembers. I must say, fascinating to see it all happening.

On the other hand I had no control of my own house anymore at all. It was crowded, transformed into the house of a man with al kinds of sportsgear and football (well actually it’s soccer of course) magazines lying around. My furniture was partly moved away. There were moments that I was glad to be able to go away. Luckily I have my second living room downstairs in ‘5‘, a cafe on the ground floor. And one of my neighbours invited me and a couple of other neighbours for a drink in the afternoon.

An odd day and very nice at the same time. I would do it again, if asked. Of course I took some pictures.

Classical boats show

Sunday, November 11th, 2007

klassieke-schepen-beurs.jpgYesterday I went to a, I thought, interesting boat show. The classical boats show in Enkhuizen. Drove about 1 hour and 45 minutes to Enkhuizen for a fair that took me les then that to visit. It was nice to visit nevertheless but I expected more boats like my own. More small classical motorboats. It was all about the old sailingboats, platbodems as they are called in Dutch.

It was nice to be back in Enkhuizen though. I had a friend once who lived there and I have some ice memories there. Only for that it was good to be back.


Thursday, November 8th, 2007

jeantinguely.jpgIn this lovely museum in Rotterdam, the Kunsthal, is an exposition of Jean Tinguely; Everything moves!

Fascinating. The noise those magines make…

Brains, left or right?

Wednesday, November 7th, 2007

What do you see? A left or right turning female?


Wednesday, November 7th, 2007

Love to sing. When I was young I did it under the shower, think the whole neighbourhood still remembers, and nowadays I sing in the car. CD in the player, or radio on and volume up.

It was time, I thought, for the serious thing. And I heard about a Portugese sanger who teaches too. She has a lovely voice, listen to her CD.

She told me we start immediately with a song. Which song did I want to sing? What song do I want to sing??! I don’t know…. only sing when I hear something nice and don’t really know any song . She was so nice to make some suggestins and I chose a nice and save Dutch song. Tanslated in French it sounds a lot better though.

It’s kind of a sentimental yourney. ‘Telkens Weer’ by Willeke Alberti or, French version, by Wende Snijders; ‘Chaque Fois’. Is’s in a loop on the player on my laptop, so I hear it over and over again now.

Gooise vrouwen

Tuesday, November 6th, 2007

gooischevrouwen.jpgI just saw about the whole series of this seizons ‘Gooise Vrouwen‘. Never saw it before. Really a lack of information.

Briljant! The subtleness and what I call, irony… really loved it.

A friend of mine did tell me over and over before to go and see it but I just thougt, Dutch series, what the hell can that be.If yo never saw it before I only can say… look at it, it’s really nice. Every Sunday evening.

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