Archive for February, 2007


Sunday, February 25th, 2007

I went to the movies tonight. The prestige. To be honnest, I was not very impressed. It is about two magicians fighting and spying on eachother to have the best performance. In the end it is not trics anymore but magic, which can not exist of course.
Although the theme is interesting I found it rather boring at the end.
And the worst thing is I got a fine for parking at the pavement. Ok, I know it is not allowed but everybody did it and we were not in anybodies way at all. Did they really have to fine me for that??? Bugger.

But hey, the predict up to 20 degrees C. in Portugal, so who’s complaining? Tomorrow in the afternoon we will leave from Rotterdam Airport.

Track my track

Friday, February 23rd, 2007

rdm-dh-230207.jpgTheo and I, we have this great new PDAphone, TyTN (see one of the post below, that far too long story).

Look what we can do with it. You see the track on the satellite picture? That is the road I drove tonight from Rotterdam to Delft, Macro. My TyTn was empty, no power left, so the way back could not be tracked.
There is a little program, NoniGPSplot, that does it all on the PDA. Of course you need a GPS with it. I used my bluetooth GPS.

Exciting, isn’t it ;-? Ofcourse it is not like you can’t live without it.
It is just…
becouse I can!

Chinese horoscope

Thursday, February 22nd, 2007

I am born on 28th of september 1955. That means I’m a libra (dubble even, as my ascendant is libra also). I always felt like it was true for me, for a great part of my life, I had trouble with making up my mind, making choises.
Not anymore by the way.

chineesgeit.gifNow I was wondering what my date of birth means for the Chinese horoscope. A bit of googling tells me that I am a goat. Hmm, not very charming. I rather was a tiger or a dragon or even a snake, but hey, I’m a goat (btw when you are born on the 23th of august 1955 you are a goat as well).

It means that I should be creative, imaginative, artistic, soft, friendly, attentive, generous, easy, capricious, sensitive, undecided, pessimistic en a worrier.
And also romantic, loving en caring.

Who knows, there is a lot in it to recognise but that is the same I guess for a lot of people.

Caetano Veloso

Thursday, February 22nd, 2007

Never heard of him until…

Some weeks ago Theo and I heard in our favourite meeting restaurant ’5′, a song with the most edifying title: cucurucucu. It sounded most horrifying.
Theo tried to persuade me of the fact that he nows this same song in a really wonderfull implementation. I laughed at him and definitely did not believe him. How could this ever sound beautifull.

The other day he proved me wrong. Listen to this.
It is sang by Caetano Veloso in the movie ‘hable con ella’ by Pedro Almodovar. (Have that on DVD. Not seen yet)

Piquant detail: I got this song from the city discotheque where I went on my bicycle this morning. And to be frank, it was lovely weather and good cycling. Even in wintertime in Holland I can do this without freezing to death. Only my ears almost fel off my head.

I always get my sin.

Thursday, February 22nd, 2007

Some time ago I bought a book with this title. It sometimes is hilarious. For Dutch people that is, for I’m not so sure if you understand the fun of it when you are British.
The title of this blog for example, does that make any sense?
We say: ‘ik krijg altijd mijn zin‘. Translated I guess it is something like: ‘I always have it my way‘. For us the fun is in the word zin, which can not be translated with one word, and definitely not with ‘sin’. But if you don’t know that…

But then again, getting your sin should not be to bad, should it?

Cure for aids!…not

Thursday, February 22nd, 2007

Jammeh, the president of Gambia, can cure aids he claims. On his website is more of this thrilling news. He uses some yellow, bitter drink, followed by 2 bananas. Of course it only works when you don’t use any other medicine let alone aids medicine. And look, how convenient, it also cures astma.
I hate it when they do that. At this moment 1,3 percent of the population of Gambia has aids. This is relatively low. It will rise from now on, I’m sure. Look at his website, it is terrible!

White wine…

Tuesday, February 20th, 2007

… does not stain and that is a good thing.

Last Monday my cleaning lady was here. So very nice to come home when she has been here. She always put clean sheets on the bed as well. Maybe even that is the best part. I know I could do it myself as wel, but… you know how it is.

That night, yesterday, I went to bed with a nice glass of white wine. But there is really not a good place to put it on my bed. So I put it on the hard cover of my book. Not the first time and it never goes wrong. This time however…

it fel over when I climbed into the bed and everything, and I mean the whole place, was wet. Smells like a bar as well. So I grabed a towel, but that is only around the corner, which took some time. In the mean time the wine was well succed in by the sheets. So I slept like in a bar yesterday.

In the morning it occurred to me that I didn’t even think of making the bed all over. What does that mean? I’m spoiled I guess.
And by now it is dry, so there is no need for changing anymore, is there?

And no, I was NOT drunk. Dron’t thunk I dank to much.

Belgium TV sucs.

Tuesday, February 20th, 2007

The other night I planed to record a wonderfull movie on the Belgium TV. Hong gao liang (red sorghum [cereal?]), with is beautifull filmed. I was hoping to be able to make a copie on my new DVD player, find out how things work.

But, the awfull Belgium TV did not, without any announcement, broadcast it. And this is not the first time they do this. Very annoying.

Look here if you want to now more about this movie.

Graham… again!

Tuesday, February 20th, 2007

Graham wants to be named on this blog. As if he wasn’t the very second post. With picture!…
But hey darling, your wish is my command, didn’t I tell you?

And let me tell the world right now that he is the one of the roses, isn’t that adorable?

If you send me some pics of you I will put them here as well. Let David or Keith make some since you are tanning right now whilst sailing.

stm_guadeloupe.jpgIn the mean time i put a picture here to get some idea of where he is these days. Right now Graham is sailing from Antigua (Felmouth) to St. Marin. About 14 hours sailing when the wind is right.
From there they are planning to sail south to Guadaloupe. Something to be envious about. I definiteley am.

(click the picture to enlarge)

Did you know…

Monday, February 19th, 2007

…that ringtones (yes, those irritating sounds coming from cellphones) are good for 5,5 billion euro per jear? My god, had I known that earlier…

Here is a nice one that could make you crazy when you don’t pick up the phone at once. zingtone1.mp3

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